My Happy Burger Golden Granet Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:07:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Happy Burger 32 32 Is veganism a business? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:07:36 +0000 Plant-based meat and dairy products, meat substitutes are expanding at a surprisingly fast pace in the US, with $ 3.7 billion in annual sales of such foods in 2018. Sales of plant-based meat substitutes increased by 23 percent until August 2018. The market of non-dairy-based yoghurts, cheeses and ice creams grew by 40+ percent. Meanwhile, “traditional” food retailers were growing at an average of 2 percent, of course, a market many times larger, with only $ 49 billion a year in red and white meat, according to a 2018 Bloomberg survey.

Therefore, one can now experience a revolution in the food industry started by meat substitutes, and in recent years, this revolution has been seen not only on the tables but also on the stock market. So far, there is only one company listed on the stock market that is available to the average person, which is one of the most popular meat replacement brands, namely Beyond Meat. Of the total $ 60 million, barely 10 million shares are available, but traders have made its price skyrocket. According to stock market experts, some kind of vegan pig slaughter is now seen on the stock market, however surreal this picture may be.

Golden Granet bakery products and meat substitutes – Help for those seeking health

Back pain, headache, discomfort in the digestive system, frequent inflammation in the body: many people feel that one symptom can be derived from another. They take over-the-counter drugs at the pharmacy, one after the other, but is that the right way to go?! It is worth considering that our eating habits and lifestyle can also cause these complaints.

Sándor Kasza, owner of Golden Granet, also feels that we have so many allergies, cross allergies that we can hardly turn to anywhere.

“Years ago, I heard on a radio show that milk could exacerbate my ragweed allergy. I was shocked because nobody had told me this before. If I do not drink milk, will my symptoms be milder? I gave it a try and experienced its positive effects, so I have immersed myself in the subject, through which my lifestyle change has started.”

Sándor was encouraged by his own experience to start a business. He has arrived to the spine clinic with a back pain, where it was confirmed that if there was inflammation in his intestinal tract, it would swell his entire mucosa. Inflammation of the sinuses can project onto the occiput and the back. He was astonished that gluten and lactose allergy could cause not only reflux, but also neck and back pain, and even sinusitis. He did not understand why no one had told him these so far, while the clinicians treated it as self-evident information.

Most of his friends, who have similar problems, take their daily pills, but he was not satisfied with the idea of taking medication from now on until the end of his life, but has rather sought a real solution to a real problem. If he is struggling with this, how many more may be in the country who are also plagued by these problems? Why settle for symptom suppression instead of eliminating the underlying causes?

Fire protection instead of firefighting!

By changing our lifestyle, eating regularly, exercising or doing yoga, by choosing the right foods, we can help our body a lot. If we develop a healthy diet, cleanse our body of at least the major allergens (gluten, milk, egg protein), we can quickly achieve great results in improving our comfort: we will be more energetic, healthier.

Millet, amaranth, hemp, buckwheat and many types of rice are available: all of them can be used to cook fantastically delicious meals at home with a little preparation and a hint of imagination. We can call these healthy foods even superfoods: these plants are the ones that do the most for our health and give us the best.

A few words about the root causes

We do not have to go far back in time: before the 1970s, long-stalked wheat varieties were produced worldwide, then replaced by shorter-stalked wheat with much higher yields. At the same time, worldwide monocultures were developed, producing cheaper food with greater efficiency, then bakeries began to open at every corner and we began to overload our body with gluten. However, it is important to add that the high-yielding wheat varieties of modern high yields are not as valuable in terms of nutrients as they used to be.

By the age of forty, we are simply exploiting our body. We are overburdened, we are not paying attention to our diet, and by the time we become middle-aged, our bodies become tired, giving more and more signals. The ideal would be to prevent these problems.

The essence of a healthy diet is simple: nurture or body with the more high quality, useful nutrients possible.

If we eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, gluten-free cereals, we will not starve, even a smaller portion will provide the sense of repletion, but without feeling dull or bloating after the meal.

Gluten-free products are now being chosen not only by those who cannot consume gluten-containing foods due to celiac disease, but also by those who are conscious of what they consume and what they put on the family table. In addition to many allergenic ingredients, other additives and preservatives can cause problems in the body, especially in the developing body of children. When selecting the raw materials for Golden Granet products, care was taken to ensure that only the highest quality ingredients were included in the products, which posed a particular challenge to be as delicious or even more delicious as their non-free counterparts. Nothing proves this better than the Golden Granet Cocoa Roll, the Millet Bread and Happy Burger having won the M-Free award and the Sunflower-Chives Mini Bun having won the SIRHA award, but even better: most of the customers choose the products not because of being sensitive, but because of their taste!

Vegan – Beyond the Kitchen Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:02:47 +0000 Not only in the field of nutrition, but also in other consumer products such as cosmetics, a significant proportion of Hungarian women try to avoid cosmetics containing animal ingredients. According to a survey, 53 percent do so, while 86 percent are open to trying these type of products, states an article on Trends are clearly driven by the growing importance of environmental protection, as the striving towards a plastic-free lifestyle is as much a part of our daily lives as climate awareness or rescuing oceans. Conscious nutrition is very much identified as being animal-friendly, that is, excluding animal ingredients.

Not only do vegans say no to food of animal origin, but to any commodity that can be derived from the exploitation of animals in some way (such as fur, leather goods, cosmetics tested on animals), but they also seek to minimize packaging, or use one that is quickly degradable or can be recycled. This kind of lifestyle is gaining popularity not only abroad, but also in our small country. For example, the number of members of the Vegan in Hungary community on the largest community site has exceeded 19 thousand, What I have eaten today – VEGAN group has 31 thousand members, and there are 83 million Instagram posts with vegan hashtags, which latter obviously is a worldwide data.

Veganism also regards ethical behaviour towards animals as important, for example, not only when planning their consumption, but also in sports and entertainment (they do not visit the circus; many do not consider horse-riding animal-friendly).

What are functional foods? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:02:29 +0000 The food industry is constantly evolving and so-called functional foods have recently been introduced. But what do these mean to us?

The food industry is already facing new challenges, but the present situation will only accelerate in the near future. Consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy, conscious diet providing a longer life, so they plan to consume foods that provide them with health-protective benefits. One of the causes of the various diseases of civilization that afflict humankind is the unconscious diet, as well as the prolongation of life for the aging societies. However, these products do not have to have only a nutritional biological benefit, but they must be outstanding in terms of their enjoyment. Low-energy, low fat, sugar-free, and enriching with, or even depleting certain minerals can be an advantage when developing a product. These are called functional foods by the profession, although not legally regulated, as found in the study entitled Functional Foods, Consumer Attitudes and Personalized Nutrition (by Zoltán Szakály, Marietta Kiss, Helga Jasák).

The study also states that research has found that most chronic diseases are caused by a changed lifestyle in humanity, one of the key components of which is the poor adaptability of our diet. Of course, there is also the drive for increased competition, accelerated pace of life, high levels of environmental pollution, stress and sedentary lifestyle because of market competition. Our diet was not adapted to these, which resulted in civilization diseases.

Vegetarianism or veganism? What is the difference? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:02:09 +0000 Vegetarianism and veganism have been on the rise, both in households and on store shelves, but it has become less widespread what these terms cover and where they come from.

The origin of the vegan term itself comes from Donald Watson, co-founder of the British Vegan Society, who has created the word for the non-dairy vegetarian term in the 1940s. Later, it expanded further, when it marked a kind of worldview, a notion that one can live without the exploitation of animals. We need to distinguish between two concepts in order to be able to describe vegan well: vegans and vegetarians. What is the difference between them?

Vegans, like vegetarians, do not consume meat, but unlike vegetarians, they do not eat eggs, fish or dairy products either. We also distinguish between lacto-ovo (dairy products and eggs), lacto (dairy products only), and ovo-vegetarians (eating eggs only).

Officially, vegans do not eat any food of animal origin (such as gelatin and honey), instead they only follow a plant-based diet. Sometimes, however, a distinction is made between vegans and different types of veganism. A dietary vegan is one who excludes animal products from his or her diet. The term ethical vegan or lifestyle vegan is often used by people who not only follow a vegan diet but also extend vegan philosophy to other areas of their lives.

Of course, there are “alternative” vegetarian diets, but they are not officially considered vegetarian because they consume fish or meat, however, in small amounts or rarely. Fish consumers are called pescarians and occasional meat consumers are called “semi-vegetarians” or flexiterians.

Generational differences in relation to nutrition and eating Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:01:38 +0000 We might not think that generational differences contribute not only to attitudes towards clothing, lifestyle, or even work, but also to nutrition and to eating attitudes. There are great differences in the cooking and eating habits of people of different ages, which we experience on a daily basis.

A generation has grown up for whom food no longer means the same thing in their life than for those born earlier. On the one hand, this means awareness for generations Y and Z, because they consume a selection of better quality foods. Around 2010, there was a powerful gastro-revolution, the imprint of which is well perceptible in today’s youth. Unlike the early 2000s, sugary, carbonated soft drinks are no longer fashionable, but rather artisanal, fibrous iced tea. After the success of fast food restaurants, small street food shops or artisanal bakeries are becoming increasingly popular. There is a need for various, diverse and beautifully photographed foods that are in stark contrast to the grandparental approach to food, as they were born after the war and have a saving, non-picky attitude to food and, of course, prefer cooking as heavy and nurturing meals as possible.

This way of thinking is already outdated, there is no need to save drastically, no need to worry about food preparation or struggle with purchasing. Now it is not quantity but quality and appearance that matters; we rarely see a young person in a restaurant who would not photograph the food ordered before consuming it.

It is this awareness, this generation has brought the vegan lifestyle alive and made it part of our every days, just as organic food and food scandals. To mention not only good things: despite the awareness, the proportion of overweight children, choosing food of poor nutritional value and excessive alcohol consumption are also highest in this group.

Why choose Golden Granet products? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:01:10 +0000 Millet, the oldest and scientifically recognized alkalinizing pseudo-cereal, being the richest nutritionally, is used to prepare bakery products, salty and sweet pastries, biscuits, meat substitutes and desserts. The company aims to produce the purest products possible, therefore not only the products, but also the plant is free of gluten, milk, eggs, yeast, and even all the allergens as defined in the EU regulation. Products made from domestic ingredients are made according to their own recipe and unique innovative technology.

The focus is not only directed towards the quality of the products, but also towards the taste and texture, as all of the factors mentioned above contribute to enhancing the consumer experience that the company considers to be of top priority. Thanks to the fact that the products do not contain gluten, milk, eggs, soy, yeast and other EU-specified allergens, customers with a special lifestyle, following a fit or a health diet, can consume them. Highlighted unique product features include increased protein and reduced carbohydrate content as well as being incorporable into special diets (IR, FODMAP, histamine). All products are free of preservatives and food colourings; the protective gas / vacuum packaging ensure the long-lasting freshness of bakery products, biscuits and meat substitutes.

The company is happy to participate in various social campaigns, screening programs or awareness raising campaigns, as the goal is to make people realize that health is a precious asset and consuming Hungarian food of good quality can greatly contribute to maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle, thereby promoting social welfare.

Consumers and their feedback are important to the company, so product development is ongoing as new demands emerge, providing a solid foundation for the company to grow. The hard work has been manifested in our product range, as we can find a number of products awarded by professional juries both nationally and internationally.

Meat Substitutes – What are they made of? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:00:40 +0000 When we hear that the vegan meat market is expanding and that even the most well-known fast-food chains and retailers are already offering vegan meat products, we might think about what these products are actually made of if they contain nothing of animal origin.

First of all, they consist of leguminous plants that provide our bodies with energy and also have a health-protective effect. Their importance in feeding and human nutrition has been known for long and is well known. Because of their beneficial composition, they do not only provide energy to the body, but also have health-protective benefits through fibre and protein. Their regular consumption is highly recommended by both dietitians and various nutritional recommendations. They are a valuable raw material from a gastronomic point of view, as they can be used in many ways: either as a side dish or as a soup and, of course, as one of the main ingredients for meat substitutes. Because of its high protein content, it can be consumed as a standalone meal and is therefore a possible substitute for meat. It is the ideal and one of the most basic sources of protein in a vegan diet. In a meat-free diet, the amino acid content of the legumes must be taken into consideration, since they are not a complete source of protein, in contrary to meat. Plants have a smaller amount of some amino acids, but they can be supplemented with cereals (corn, brown rice, millet, for example) to provide a complete protein.

The nutritional significance of legumes is also illustrated by the fact that 2016 has been designated the International Year of Pulses, highlighting the diversity, values and positive effects of the crop group.

Lifestyle change – seven times a week Wed, 26 Feb 2020 17:59:56 +0000 Persistent fatigue? Abdominal distension? Did you know that digestion absorbs the most energy in the body? Have you ever thought that your various complaints are not a natural part of having your meal?

Our lives have accelerated in recent decades, we feel this. We spend a lot of time on several things, except for ourselves or to care for ourselves. We receive many environmental stimuli, most of which are stressful and which leave a mark on our everyday lives after a while. Eating is what we put most of our lives in the background: just to grab something quickly and keep hurrying on. Ultra-processed foods dominate the world.

Where have the meals of Grandma disappeared?

Clean label, that is what they call today what is made in the kitchen. Of course, only such “pure” ingredients should be included on the back label of food. We know it all, yet we consume insufficient fibre, but many preservatives. And a sedentary lifestyle just makes things worse. This complex load is not tolerated by our body for long and the symptoms can often manifest themselves as headaches, stomach pains, bloating, which, after a while, make our daily lives feel like we need to do something so this cannot continue. Recognition in itself is the first step on the path towards proper nutrition. If we have found the right kind of exercise that we like to practice, changing driving the car for walking or going stairs at least once a week, we have already done a lot for ourselves and it is time to turn towards conscious nutrition, but many of us get stuck at this point. Because eating right once or twice a week is not enough, you need a lifestyle change that does keep your body away from the improper nutrients, preservatives and allergens identified by dietitians or medical professionals or by our own experiences and observations. Choosing the right foods is not easy, but with a little care, you can achieve eating not only healthy but also delicious meals.

This is our vision, to produce and market gluten-free, allergen-free products for people wishing to eat healthily, which have a high nutritional value, are easy to digest and fit well into a fit or healthy diet. Gluten, milk and eggs are therefore not our friends, we use high quality, mostly Hungarian organic ingredients, our favourite is millet, the favourite of pharaohs, the alkalinizing, richest pseudo-cereal. Our flavours are made with the grandmother’s legacy, by meeting quality demands and with the flavours found in fewer and fewer places today, whether crunchy or juicy until the moment you enjoy a quick bite, sitting in a traffic jam, or between two meetings, or in the evening at the family dinner table.

Therefore, we recommend our products not only to those who have some food sensitivities, but also to those who want to take control of their lives and take care of their daily lives and their health.

#goldengranet #fitt #cleanlabel #muttimiteszel #mentesesfinom

To eat ourselves healthy Wed, 26 Feb 2020 17:57:41 +0000 We asked Sándor Kasza, CEO, about the road to healthy eating and living, the content behind the Golden Granet brand and everything represented by their high-quality products of high nutritional value.

  • Is there a story based on own experience behind the Golden Granet name?
  • At the age of 32, I have suffered from strong reflux that was already disrupting my daily life, of course I immediately saw the fulfilling prophecy that everything I have made so far, I will be spending on medicine and waiting in the hallway looking for the doctor. An antacid only suppresses a symptom, does not resolve the body’s warning signal, so it was not an option for me in the long run. Anyway, it is a job harm to work on research topics, so I delved into this area.
  • Are these studies publicly available?
  • Of course, anyone can find them if they are looking for it thoroughly. My suspicion was nicely confirmed by the lectures of renowned professionals in professional forums: the result is frightening and shows that much of the disease could be avoided by developing a proper diet. In addition, it is even more shocking to know that these research findings, whether made in the 1960s or early 2000s, have not been incorporated into general education or even into specific curricula.
  • So what shall we eat or what shall we avoid?
  • I do not want to be a person declaring the truth, but I am happy to share my experiences. I do not eat white or whole wheat bread; I completely exclude gluten from my diet. I avoid food derived from cow’s milk or its derivatives and additives, as well as soy and egg whites.
  • Why do you? Is it because of the sensitivity and allergies found?
  • For me, it is enough that the reflux and abdominal discomfort has stopped and the severe ragweed allergy has been only disturbing me one weekend this year. The buttery popcorn I had consumed the day before has also played a major role in the latter.
  • So is there zero tolerance?
  • This is how it works for me; the coffee cream and risotto do not fit during allergic periods.
  • Do you want to live forever?
  • I will try to do my best. However, this extends beyond eating according to strict rules, it is necessary to practice a minimum amount of sport, to eat a variety of vegetables and quality fruits to renew the intestine.
  • All your products are allergen-free.
  • And with one exception yeast-free. Our goal is to use raw materials of the highest quality, which shall be slow-release carbohydrates. By the way, we want to show that an allergen-free product can be just as delicious or as juicy as its non allergen-free counterparts.
  • Are you able to achieve this?
  • A number of our products have already won various professional awards, but customer recognition is even more important to us. We simply start to be a superpower of cocoa rolls (‘kakaós csiga’), simply due to its taste. I am even more proud of bakery products, like Gourmet bread or mini rolls.
  • What product categories are there, and what else can be expected?
  • Bakery products, biscuits, cakes and meat substitutes. The latter category is now expanding with the burger patty so fashionable nowadays, that is, similar in color, taste and texture to real meat.
  • Where are the products available?
  • Via web shops and at several groceries. Where they are committed to a healthy lifestyle and have a good team, turnover is surprisingly high. It is important to be able to pass on the knowledge behind the products to the customers, but taste is our winning strategy: the complimentary package delivered along with the first order often makes the shelf become empty. We want to show you what you can prepare at home, simply and quickly.